The Humanist (INFP + EII)

Overview (Introverted Feeling + Intuition)

The Humanist is an individual that is deeply in touch with the human experience – either their own and/or others – and how it ought to be, which at the extreme can be overly utopian or dystopian. 

Typically, the Humanist expresses their views indirectly in a somewhat childlike or ingenuous manner, such as children’s fiction, fantasy, cartoons, or off-beat jokes. Similarly to the Pundit, the Humanist combines both a seriousness in regards to ethical matters, which makes them seem much older and mature in their views, but at the same time their metaphoric language can sound surprisingly childlike and off-the-wall, therefore making them appear like a wise child, even in older age. Differently from the Pundit, the Humanist is introverted, which typically shows itself in less presence, a naturally lower, softer tone of voice and/or less facial expressiveness.

Most Humanists can be found teaching humanities or social sciences at schools and universities, become fantasy authors or non-fiction authors about human nature, filmmakers for fantasy genres. They can have other professions, though their favorite profession usually requires something philosophical, humanitarian, and childlike or off-beat, with the ability to work by themselves.

A humanist (noun)

  1. a person having a strong interest in or concern for human welfare, values, and dignity.
  2. a person devoted to or versed in the humanities.
  3. a student of human nature or affairs.
  4. a classical scholar.
  5. (sometimes initial capital letter) any one of the scholars of the Renaissance who pursued and disseminated the study and understanding of the cultures of ancient Rome and Greece, and emphasized secular, individualistic, and critical thought.
  6. (sometimes initial capital letter) a person who follows a form of philosophical or scientific humanism.

Purpose Role: The Humanist is in their natural element when they are able to communicate their ethical views and insights about how human matters should or should not be in an indirect, metaphorical manner that makes new and unusual or fantastical connections, with a timeless quality.

Main Functions (Fi & Ne)

The Humanist naturally possesses very nuanced and strong views on how human behavior should be and what they consider to be good and evil, humane or inhumane. Some unhealthy Humanists carry a hidden bitterness about the human world and how it fails to meet their expectations – an attitude that some unhealthy Aesthetes share with them.

Beyond that, the Humanist likes to delve into topics of what (a) human(ity) is and could be, what the human experience entails – and then (de)constructing those concepts (or related ones) on a philosophical level. This can show itself in the deconstruction or questioning of the concept of gender, identity, or anything else that has a human element. Many Humanists have a particular tendency to anthropomorphize things and other living beings (or on the contrary, make humans seem non-human). At their best, the Humanist finds and represents the ethical core of humanity, at its worst their concept of humanity becomes a caricature that has little connection to reality.

Some Humanists process their fears and/or dark experiences in horrific tales, but usually those stories contain a whimsical or childlike element, for example children protagonists or talking animals, which makes the story more like a scary fairytale, rather than a purely physically unsettling nightmare. Other Humanists prefer less of a fictional and more of a non-fiction approach.

Regardless, similarly to the Theorist, the Humanist enjoys making mental connections between concepts and things that can seem quite separate, especially in the realm of humanities. If not in their work, then their jokes can be reminiscent of a children’s story, making allegories between a nose and a cucumber for instance, random daily anecdotes that paint real life in a “wacky“ and new light. Some Humanists have a stronger connection to their extroverted intuitive side, which produces a bigger flow of association – in that state, some Humanists can talk quite fast, be witty, random, and quick on their (mental) toes. However, still being introverts, they cannot sustain this state for too long.

Strong, Unvalued Internal Abstraction (Ni)

The Humanist’s aforementioned anecdotes, associations and mental connections may seem farfetched or even silly on the surface, but usually contain a deep personal truth or a keen awareness of how social structures and human behavior plays out across time, or can be interpreted in an abstract way.

In that way, the Humanist can make observations that mirror those of the Strategist or Psychospritualist, especially when the Humanist finds that a spiritual or future approach can benefit their ethical insights and observations. However, differently from those two personalities, the metaphysical realm is not their main focus, mostly another playground for them to mentally explore and make use of when necessary. Novel ideas, what-if scenarios and possibilities rather take center stage for the Humanist.

Weaker, Unvalued Internal Thinking (Ti)

The Humanist can periodically or even more or less consistently deal with theoretical abstractions that have a logical element. For example, they may create a graph that logically explains human behavior. However, this detached and strictly logical focus can become draining or bothersome, and will mostly be used for specific situations.

Similarly to the Aesthete, some Humanists are concerned with not appearing “too emotional“ or “too sensitive“, especially when they are surrounded by individuals that do not like their natural mode of being. Despite their internal emotionality, many Humanists can seem rather detached and logical on the surface and can be mistaken for the Theorist or Strategist at times.

Unvalued External Emotion (Fe)

In combination with the above, the Humanist often has a rather unexpressive face and externally subdued mood on average. However, if the Humanist sees the need to engage with the outwardly emotional side of themselves and handle people in a social environment, they can be aware of how to behave themselves, for example good moments when to smile, and how to interpret other people’s behaviors and customs accurately. In those situations, it is rather rare for a Humanist to commit social blunders, unless they have isolated themselves for too long or developed a selfish outlook.

Weak, Unvalued External Sensing (Se)

Differently from the Aesthete, the Humanist is much less likely to be direct, upfront or graphic about their ethical views, preferring an approach that is more indirect, metaphorical and/or mental. Instead of saying outright what they love or hate or showing it in a gritty manner, they rather tell fictional stories, childlike jokes or share data that showcase human behavior from an outsider’s and level-headed perspective. Despite any bitterness or frustration, the Humanist tends to process their negative experience through an abstract outlet without getting close to their foe.

The Humanist is commonly overwhelmed and annoyed by loud and visually busy environments, anything that has a strong impact on their senses, requires sensorial focus and fast reaction speed in the outside world. They may engage in a physical sport, but mostly for the health benefits and not competitively. They avoid exerting themselves or attacking something heads-on and feel great mental pain if they are forced to do so. Often the Humanist lacks physical presence and if not dressed in a noticeable way, easily blends into the background. They can be quite physically awkward, not know how to move their bodies aesthetically. Many Humanists do not know how to make themselves “look good“ in a conventional sense, even though they can be interested in artistic expression and dress boldly.

Aim at Internal Sensation (Si)

Many Humanists develop a special penchant for alternative medicine, such as homeopathy, or other novel techniques that aim at increasing physical rest and relaxation. They can find a lot of enjoyment from those activities. However, despite the fact they may have studied the subject a lot, they typically struggle with being naturally good at it and truly embodying it. Usually the Humanist has to rely on others to help them in this area. Many Humanists can have a bit of a nostalgic streak, where they like to indulge in getting lost in idealized memories of past experiences.

Weak, Valued External Thinking (Te)

The Humanist admires people who are widely knowledgeable on many subjects that have practical and useful ties to reality. This area is a weak spot for them. However, Humanists are often very studious and learn as much as possible about fictional or theoretical subjects, in order to compensate for this weakness. In that way, many Humanists are well-versed in humanitarian subjects and concepts, but at the end of the day they can still struggle with purely administrative or everyday tasks that are common sense for others. 

Humanist Celebrities: Click here

Note: Of course there are humanists who possess a different personality type, so please do not assume that all humanists in the world fit this personality type! I call the Introverted Feeling + Intuition personality type “The Humanist” not only because they are usually humanists, but also because this personality structure personifies the archetype the best.

Type Compatibility

Most compatible:

Least compatible: (Coming soon)

*Note: These types can be occasionally less compatible due to mismatching Enneagram Trifixes.


The Ego of the Humanist

  1. Introverted Feeling (Fi)
  2. Extroverted Intuition (Ne)

The Super-Id (valued but weak)

The weakest Functions:

The strongest Functions:


INFP (MBTI), EII (Socionics)

Note: Both MBTI and Socionics include Big 5-related aspects in their types, especially MBTI is mostly a variation of Big 5 nowadays. My version of the Jungian types does not use Big 5 traits, hence the conventional 4-letter idea of “INFP” might not fully apply. Based on the letters, you might count as “INFP” but not as The Humanist with Fi and Ne as their first functions. Read this for more on this issue.


There are 3 specific subtype variations of the Humanist.

Those variations can be grouped into Fi (Introverted Feeling) and Ne (Extroverted Intuition) subtype.

Fi Subtype (Classic Introvert)

Fi subtype Humanists share most of those traits:

  • Stereotypically introverted
  • Less “childlike“
  • More invested in health
  • More nostalgic and “creature of habit”

Can be mistaken for ISFP / ESI.

Ne Subtype (Extroverted Introvert / “Ambiverted”)

Ne subtype Humanists share most of those traits:

  • “Ambiverted” (can be mistaken for an extrovert)
  • Faster speech
  • More academic and/or scientific
  • More disheveled and a bit chaotic

Can be mistaken for INTP, ENFP, ENTP / LII, IEE, ILE.

Note: Don’t mistake Jungian “ambiversion” with sociable Enneagram instinctual stackings, like So/Sx, So/Sp and Sx/So. If you are an introvert with one of those stackings, you’ll come across as “ambiverted”, even if you don’t have that subtype!

No Subtype (Standard Type)

A Humanist who falls into both categories more or less is mostly likely the No subtype kind.

Enneagram Types

If you are not a Type 4w5 or Type 9w1, then you are most likely not The Humanist. But make sure you are correctly typed. You can get a typing from me here.


    • I’m so surprised how accurately this described who I am. I’m really glad that I found this because it made me feel less alone. I’m an INFP/EII 964 sx/sp!

      Liked by 1 person

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