The Entrepreneur (ENTJ + LIE)


Overview (Extroverted Thinking + Intuition)

The Entrepreneur is characterized by a great ability to gather plenty of useful and innovative data for each situation they will encounter (in the future). They are enterprising in the area of their choosing, often attaining a CEO or lead position in the fields of business, commerce, data analysis, and the sciences, occasionally in political or social sciences. Many Entrepreneurs are the cause of wide-scale business innovation or “disruption”, thanks to their innovative spirit and foresight.

entrepreneur: a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.
“many entrepreneurs see potential in this market”

“In the field of economics, the term entrepreneur is used for an entity which has the ability to translate inventions or technologies into products and services. In this sense, entrepreneurship describes activities on the part of both established firms and new businesses.”

The Entrepreneur’s aim and competency lie in not wasting time in vain and gathering and applying as much useful information as they can. That is why they are typically well-researched, well-calculated (like The Futurist) and well-informed on a wide range of topics; the scope of their knowledge is very wide. They also create synergies of concepts and innovations that can be applied for their business or the future.

entrepreneurial: characterized by the taking of financial risks in the hope of profit; enterprising; having to do with the creation and development of economic ventures : of, relating to, characteristic of, or suited to an entrepreneur

Purpose Role: The Entrepreneur is in their natural element when they are able to be entrepreneurial in a (technical) field where they can apply their natural business acumen, innovative angle, and foresight in favor of their wide-reaching vision.

Main Functions (Te+Intuition)

The Entrepreneur makes use of their knowledge to create a better future for themselves and often others as well; this is how they can be quite innovative.

Introverted Intuition

Overall, they typically have an overarching vision of the future that instills hope and at best, changes (daily) life, often in the form of procedure, manner of thought, and/or technological or business innovation.

They are adept at foreseeing possible pitfalls and evaluate risk and benefit accordingly, so they tend to avoid life-threatening mistakes or long-term impulsivity, like The Futurist. However, they are occasionally tempted to over-invest (their time, effort, and/or money) in whatever they deem to be a profitable or useful endeavor, which may occasionally lead them to spending more than a frugal person, like The Futurist, would find appropriate.

Even so, the Entrepreneur rarely if at all struggles with debts, money or career problems for too long, being able to estimate the eventual return of their investments; so it is common for the Entrepreneur to at least gain an Upper Middle Class status in life, and the richest people on the planet are overwhelmingly of this type.

Aim At Sensing (Se)

The Entrepreneur’s knowledge and vision often garner them respect from others later in life, though in their youth they can be overlooked amongst more ”hands-on“ or presentable individuals. They can struggle with being as proactive as they would like to be, which they find rather embarrassing.

Hence why some Entrepreneurs feel the need to prove their strength, then they may engage in aggressive, impulsive or physically intense behavior for a few moments, though those are generally short-lived and replaced by thinking and envisioning.

Super-Ego (Fe)

The Entrepreneur has the ability to come across as a light-hearted and warm individual for limited periods of time. Their emotionality is mainly a way to make human interactions more smooth and to be seen as a well-adapted and socialized individual. They know the basics of human emotion and human interactions, but would rather not deal with those (finding them somewhat taxing or awkward at certain points), preferring a matter-of-fact style of communication, communicating what they know and would like to implement in the future.

Weak Sensing (Si)

The Entrepreneur usually has troubles with being a classic workaholic, unable to relax or create relaxation in others (even if they wanted to), difficulties with creating environments that are aesthetically or sensorially pleasing. Also, the Entrepreneur has a certain detachment from their physical self, and struggles with taking care of their health or physical well-being and equilibrium, opposite to The Caregiver.

In their mind, there is always something better to do than to worry about those matters. They can carry within them a lot of tension that never gets resolved. Many Entrepreneurs are reluctant about going to a doctor or health-practitioner, seeing little ailments as of little consequence. As long as they are breathing and moving and thinking, they are fine! – so they think.

Admiring Ethics and Sensing (Fi+Se)

The Entrepreneur admires people with sound ethical principles, who can be proactive or ”unbending“ during critical moments, and who have a good eye for aesthetics, like The Aesthete. They tend to have difficulties in those areas. Especially when it comes to aesthetics, they can be quite susceptible to those and eager to have an impressive presentation, but usually don’t know how to exactly attain or replicate that.

The Entrepreneur appreciates someone giving him advice on which endeavors are of actual moral value. They greatly benefit from someone showing them how certain individuals are not worth their time – for they often lack the ability to evaluate that accurately.

Entrepreneur Celebrities: Click here

Note: Of course there are entrepreneurs who possess a different personality type, so please do not assume that all entrepreneurs in the world fit this personality type! I call the Extroverted Thinking + Intuition personality type “The Entrepreneur” not only because they are usually entrepreneurial, but also because this personality structure personifies the archetype the best.

Type Compatibility

Most compatible:

Least compatible: The Caregiver

*Note: These types can occasionally be less compatible due to mismatching Enneagram Trifixes.


The Ego of the Entrepreneur

  1. Extroverted Thinking (Te)
  2. Introverted Intuition (Ni)

The Super-Id (valued but weak)

The weakest Functions:

The strongest Functions:


ENTJ (MBTI), LIE (Socionics)

Note: Both MBTI and Socionics include Big 5-related aspects in their types, especially MBTI is mostly a variation of Big 5 nowadays. My version of the Jungian types does not use Big 5 traits, hence the conventional 4-letter idea of “ENTJ” might not fully apply. Based on the letters, you might count as “ENTJ” but not as The Entrepreneur with Te and Ni as their first functions. Read this for more on this issue.


There are 3 specific subtype variations of the Entrepreneur.

Those variations can be grouped into Te (Extroverted Thinking) subtype and Ni (Introverted Intuition) subtype.

Te subtype (Classic Extrovert)

Te subtype Entrepreneurs share most of those traits:

  • Stereotypically extroverted
  • more impulsive and/or practical
  • more involved in financial, technological or political subjects
  • more engaged in athletic or physical activity

Can be mistaken for ESTJ / LSE.

Ni subtype (Introverted Extrovert / “Ambivert”)

Ni subtype Entrepreneurs share most of those traits:

  • ”Ambiverted” (can be mistaken for an introvert)
  • more focused on humanitarian issues
  • more innovative
  • more interested in psychology and/or spirituality

Can be mistaken for INTJ, INFJ, ENFJ / ILI, IEI, EIE.

Note: Don’t mistake Jungian “ambiversion” with asociable Enneagram instinctual stackings, like Sp/Sx and Sx/Sp. If you are an extrovert with one of those stackings, you’ll come across as “ambiverted”, even if you don’t have that subtype!

No Subtype (Standard Type)

An Entrepreneur who falls into both categories more or less is mostly likely the No subtype kind.

Enneagram Types

  • more dominant and gutsy/bossy (Type 8)
  • more expressive and status oriented (Type 3)

If you are neither Enneagram type 8 nor 3, you are most likely not The Entrepreneur. But make sure you are correctly typed. You can book a Get•Typed session here.

Last update: January 2022


  1. Hi Olympia, I love your analisys!

    It’s possible an ENTJ-Ni 8w9 be a Sx/So or Sx/SP? How would be in this cases?

    Because I read only descriptions of 8w7 with Sx stackings


  2. This make sense. And this for all subtypes? Or, for example, Sx/So more for ENTJ-Ni 8w9 and So/Sp more for ENTJ-Te 8w7? Is possible an ENTJ-Ni 8w9 Sx/So?


      • Interesting. I think that ENTJ-Ni 8w9 Sx/So would be very different from the ENTJ stereotype. A more hedonistic , introvert, antissocial and impulsive vibe that resembles a mix of ESTP ,ESFP, INTJ , ISFP or ISTP maybe. Very difficult to type. Another combination that I think that is different from the stereotype is 3w4 Sx/So. Maybe Cleopatra was this combination. A more ambitious and seductive/manipulative ENTJ that resembles ENFJ or ESFP.


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